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Yellow lightsabers are associated with Jedi Temple Guards and the Jedi Sentinel class. Jedi Temple Guards are a unique branch of the Jedi Order who are tasked with protecting the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, and are recognizable by their distinct yellow lightsabers and ceremonial robes.
The exact reason for the color of her lightsaber is not explicitly explained in the film, but there are a few possible explanations. One theory is that Rey's yellow lightsaber represents her unique path and balance in the Force. Throughout the sequel trilogy, Rey is shown to have both Jedi and Sith abilities, as well as a strong connection to the Force itself. The yellow color of her lightsaber may reflect this balance and her ability to use both the light and dark sides of the Force.
Prior to Rey's adoption of her iconic yellow-bladed lightsaber, there existed a handful of noteworthy Force-users who wielded similar weapons. One such individual was a Jedi by the name of Ganner Rhysode, who was known for his impulsive nature and skill with a yellow lightsaber during the era of the New Republic. Similarly, during the Old Republic, Jedi Sentinels distinguished themselves through their use of yellow lightsabers, which became a hallmark of their unique fighting style.
Yellow lightsabers are rare in the Star Wars universe because they are typically associated with Jedi who follow the path of the Consular. Consulars are known for their focus on diplomacy and nonviolent conflict resolution, which is reflected in the color of their lightsabers.
A Jedi Sentinel is a type of Jedi Knight in the Star Wars universe who is known for their unique combination of combat and scholarly abilities. Jedi Sentinels are often described as well-rounded and versatile, with a focus on both combat training and advanced knowledge in areas such as science, history, and diplomacy.